Thursday, February 27, 2020

Domestic Vs Overseas Clothing Supplier – Which One To Choose?

Starting your fashion line is both exciting and nerve-wracking. You may have brainstormed a lot of product ideas until now. This is an interesting time for budding entrepreneurs. However, many startups and fashion brands find themselves hitting a brick wall and losing momentum when it comes to selecting the clothing supplier and manufacturer.

Even if you have a killer product and the best product idea, you cannot execute it without a high-quality wholesale clothing supplier.

In this post, we will be covering the following topics:

- Type of garment manufacturing company you are looking for.
- Choosing between Domestic Vs Overseas Clothing suppliers.
- Where to begin your search for women wholesale clothing suppliers?

Determine what you are looking for

When you’re looking to start a fashion company, there are a lot of things you need to take into account. Let’s take an example, what type of products or garments will you manufacture? Are you introducing product lines for women, men, kids, or both? If for women, then will you take care of the manufacturing at your own unit (if you have budgeted) or you would take the help of a women wholesale clothing supplier?

It is also important to get a clear understanding of different terminologies related to the garment manufacturing industry like manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers, distributors, etc.

Suppliers, in terms of textile industry, can refer to anyone who can provide you with products, raw materials, and inventory.

You should determine the type of supplier you’re looking for.

- A wholesale garment manufacturing company that can help you from the initial design development to the final completion of the product, till packaging and delivery.

- A supplier to purchase products or inventory. The supplier can also be the manufacturer of the product.

- A wholesaler or distributor to package and ship your products.

Generally, the debate ends on choosing between Domestic and Overseas suppliers.

Domestic Vs Overseas Clothing Suppliers

You have to choose between domestic and overseas clothing suppliers as you begin your new fashion line. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. It is better if you research both mediums and then take the most appropriate decision for your brand.

Domestic Clothing Suppliers: Advantages

- They typically have higher manufacturing quality.

- They follow higher labour standards.

- As they are located domestically, the shipping time and distance is significantly shorter.

- Communication between the manufacturers and your team is easier due to no language barrier.

- Similar time-zones and holidays ensure that you both are on the same page.

- No import duties and tariffs to be paid.

Overseas Clothing Suppliers: Advantages

- They typically have lower manufacturing costs due to cheap labour availability, like in China and India.

- You can get to choose between various clothing suppliers and manufacturers.

- With modern-age communication tools like Skype, language is not a barrier anymore.

While domestic clothing suppliers offer great quality, the manufacturing cost can be too high. In overseas manufacturing, you get a lot of options for men and ladies clothing supplier. You can easily search them through well-established directories like Alibaba.

Where to begin your search from?

The end choice between domestic and overseas suppliers boils down to your preference and budget. Once you have made a decision, you can explore directories, Google, local libraries, and referrals to find a potential garment manufacturing company. Online overseas directories like Oberlo, Alibaba, IndiaMart, Sourcify, AliExpress, etc. list several women clothing exporters and wholesale clothing suppliers and vendors.

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